No, we set up regulation tennis courts for your child (based on USTA rules and guidelines) on the school’s paved play area.
Does my child need to bring a racquet?
No, all equipment is provided.
Are classes held if it rains?
Yes, all of our schools provide shelter in case of inclement weather.
Does my child need a snack and/or water?
Yes, if your child is a “parent pick-up student,” please pack a snack and drink in their backpack on the day of their tennis class. If they attend after-care at their school, they get a snack and drink before coming to tennis.
How will my child know where to go for tennis class?
Upon registering your child, please send a note to the teacher informing the teacher they are participating in tennis on that particular day. They will get your child to our instructors who will be there waiting for them.
How do I or where do I go to pick my child up after tennis is finished?
Schools have different policies regarding student pick-up. Some require you to park and come in to the school to sign them out. At other schools, our instructors escort the students out to the student pick up area. Upon receiving your child’s registration, you will be given specific instructions as to how, where and when to pick them up after class.
My child rides the bus home after school, do I need to make arrangements to pick them up after tennis?
Yes, but schools are different in the way they release the “parent pick-up” students after tennis. In some schools, our instructors escort your children out to the normal pick-up line after class. Other schools require you to park and come in to sign them out, acknowledging that you picked them up after the class. Upon receiving your child’s registration, you will be given specific instructions as to how, where and when to pick them up after class.